New Year, New Insurance, New Peace of Mind

Happy New Year from Davis Insurance Group! We’re already done with the first month of the year, and most of us have already given up on our New Year’s Resolutions.

Maybe it’s time to think differently about what we want for ourselves and our future.

We’re talking, of course, about insurance. Though it’s not the most exciting topic in the world, it is a topic that many people need to think about more – and one that can provide you with one of the most important changes you can make to your life: better peace of mind.

This year – today, if fact – it might be time to think about how different insurance products can have a long term benefit to your life. For example:

  • Long Term Care Insurance – A majority of people will need long term care someday, and most will not have the means to pay for it out of pocket. Long term care insurance offers protection for your assets, protection for your family, and so much more, allowing you to know that your future is better protected.
  • Life Insurance – Peace of mind comes from knowing your family is not only protected in the event of an tragedy, but capable of moving forward in every way. Life insurance offers that, ensuring that you can enjoy your life however you want and worry less about how your family will move on should something happen to you.
  • Health Insurance – Though open enrollment is over, think about your health goals. How many important medical tests, procedures, and more have you been putting off because of the costs? Maybe this year it’s time to rethink your health insurance so that you can better care for your long term health.

In addition, many of these products – especially life insurance and long term care insurance – tend to get more expensive as you get older. If one of your goals is to save money, and you know that you’re likely to need these products someday, the best way to protect your finances further is to obtain it now.


It’s a new year, and it’s time to use this new year as motivation to knock things off your list that will make your future better. If you need help navigating the insurance world, reach out to me today and let’s start a conversation.

Please contact me at or book with me directly at

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